Asheville Treetops Adventure Park, an exciting Asheville attraction, is an aerial challenge course in the trees that has over 77 unique climbing, rolling, walking, jumping, swinging, and rappelling challenges anchored to over 30 trees and towering poles tucked into a wooded park. There are 7 different adventure trails ranging from beginner to challenging level that allow Park Guests the choice to challenge only the obstacles they feel comfortable with. There are several elements that are representative of the activities you can do in North Carolina including a sky kayak, a parkway tunnel, a snowboard in the sky, swinging hula hoops, bumper boats and a zip hang glider, all in the trees that make this a “Truly Asheville Adventure.”
We use a new technology called “smart belays” that, when used properly, are designed to assure Park Guests are attached to safety systems at all times and cannot detach from the system until they have completed the aerial trail and are back on the ground. Guests can explore freely knowing the safety system monitors their attachments and is designed to not allow accidental unclipping from the safety points. It is an active adventure that incorporates physical fitness and personal accomplishment.