Anchor Fly | Fly Fishing Asheville, NC

Asheville, NC, USA

An anchor fly is a beaded nymph that is weighted to get to the feeding zone quickly. Anchor flies are commonly used in Euro Nymphing and similar tight-line angling methods.

Anchor Fly currently consists of two passionate fly fishing anglers with desires to

  1. Spend as much time as they can fly fishing
  2. Share what they learn with others

Our team believes that fly fishing can literally make us better people. In a nutshell—by spending more time in nature and connecting with our surroundings we develop peace and patience in daily life. This is a very cool thing AND is very worthy of some gratitude.

We wish to share our deep respect for the environments we fish in, and the fish that we catch. If we can help develop an increase in respect for even one angler that would mean a great deal.

Because of this, sharing information and research on the culture, philosophy and environmental impact is very important to publish on Anchor Fly.


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